LPing SILO/ETH v3 on Camelot (Arbitrum)

Users may provide SILO/ETH liquidity on Camelot to earn rewards and trading fees.

Providing Manual Liquidity on Camelot v3 (Arbitrum)

  1. Find the SILO/ETH Pool on Camelot v3

Go to Camelot’s v3 pool page here and search for ‘SILO’.

It will look something like above when you click into the pool.

  1. Select range details

If you would like to have your ranges automatically adjusted, refer to the Automated Camelot v3 walkthrough.

After clicking ‘Create position’, SILO/ETH and ‘Manual’ will be selected by default.

Choose from Camelot’s preset ranges or select your own range manually by entering the minimum and maximum ETH per SILO price.

You can simulate how your liquidity is distributed using the range visualizer provided.

  1. Input amounts you would like to deposit

If you are happy with your chosen range, enter the amount of $SILO you would like to deposit under ‘4. Input Amounts’.

It will automatically calculate the amount of $ETH you would like to pair with it. If you are happy with this, click ‘Add Liquidity’ and follow the prompts.

Congratulations, you have successfully provided SILO/ETH liquidity manually on Camelot v3!

Providing Automated Liquidity on Camelot v3 (Arbitrum)

  1. Find the SILO/ETH Pool on Camelot v3

Go to Camelot’s v3 pool page here and search for ‘SILO’.

It will look something like above when you click into the pool.

  1. Select ‘Auto’ mode

If you would like to manually set your ranges, refer to the Manual Camelot v3 Walkthrough.

Click on ‘Auto’ under ‘2. Select a mode’.

The Auto strategy automatically readjusts price ranges for you via Gamma Strategies.

  1. Input amounts you would like to deposit

If you are happy with your chosen range, enter the amount of $SILO you would like to deposit under ‘4. Input Amounts’.

If you are happy with this, click ‘Create Position’ and follow the prompts to open the ‘Add v3 Liquidity Tab’.

  1. Choose position details

You will be given two options to boost yield in the position tab.

You may lock your position for up to a 100% boost in farm rewards (max rewards at 6 month 3 day lock).

You may also stake your position in our Nitro Pool for bonus rewards.

Decide if you want to boost your yield with either of these options and then click ‘Create position’.

Congratulations, you have successfully provided automated SILO/ETH liquidity manually on Camelot v3!

Last updated