Providing liquidity on Camelot (Arbitrum)

This is a walkthrough on how to provide liquidity for SILO:ETH via Camelot.

Obtaining SILO-ETH LP Tokens

SILO-ETH liquidity providers can obtain LP tokens which entitle them to the pool’s trading fees. This can be locked as an spNFT for additional base pool farm rewards from Camelot or alternatively on Harvest Finance which will auto-compound rewards for you.

  1. Go to the Camelot v2 ‘Add Liquidity’ page

Go to the Camelot v2 ‘Add Liquidity’ page here.

  1. Select $SILO and $ETH

Using the dropdown menu under ‘Token 1’ and ‘Token 2’, select $SILO and $ETH as your deposit tokens.

This will show your available $SILO and $ETH as well as the SILO-ETH pool details.

  1. Enter the amount of $SILO (or $ETH) you would like to deposit

Enter the amount of $SILO (or $ETH) you would like to deposit. Since the pool requires 50/50 balance in both tokens, the amount of the other token to be deposited will be automatically filled.

If you are happy with your amount, click the ‘Add Liquidity’ button (you may need to approve some transactions first).

Congratulations, you are now providing liquidity for SILO-ETH on Camelot!

Auto-compound SILO-ETH LP tokens on Harvest Finance

You can deposit your SILO-ETH LP tokens on Harvest Finance to auto-compound your rewards. Note that this accepts the ERC-20 LP tokens from Obtaining SILO-ETH LP Tokens as opposed to the ERC-721 tokens from Obtaining SILO-ETH spNFT.

  1. Obtain your SILO-ETH Camelot LP Tokens as per Obtaining SILO-ETH LP Tokens

  2. Go to Harvest Finance’s SILO-ETH Camelot Auto-Compounder

Go to Harvest Finance’s SILO-ETH Camelot auto-compounder here.

  1. Enter the amount of SILO-ETH LP Tokens you would like to deposit

By default, the Harvest Finance page is set to the ‘Deposit’ tab which should show the amount of SILO-ETH LP tokens you have available. Enter the amount of LP tokens you would like to deposit.

If you are happy with this, click the ‘Deposit’ button and follow the prompts.

You will receive fcamelot_SILO_ETH tokens to represent your deposit.

  1. Stake your fcamelot_SILO_ETH tokens

In order to auto-compound your rewards, you must stake your fcamelot_SILO_ETH tokens.

Enter the amount of tokens you would like to stake and click the ‘Stake’ button (you may need to approve this transaction first).

Congratulations, you have staked your SILO-ETH LP tokens on Harvest Finance and are earning auto-compounding rewards!

Obtaining SILO-ETH spNFT

SILO-ETH liquidity providers can lock their LP tokens as spNFTs to earn base pool farm rewards on top of trading fees.

  1. Go to the SILO-ETH earn pool

Go to the SILO-ETH earn pool here.

Ensure your tab is set to spNFT (if you select LP only your position will not be eligible for base pool or nitro rewards).

  1. Enter the amount of SILO and ETH you would like to deposit

Enter the amount of $SILO (or $ETH) you would like to deposit.

The corresponding $ETH (or $SILO) amount will be automatically output to ensure your deposit is 50:50.

  1. Approve deposit and create LP position

Click ‘Approve $SILO’ followed by ‘Create Position’. Your deposit should now be visible in your ‘Positions’ tab.

Congratulations, you are now earning rewards from the SILO-ETH base pool!

Deposit SILO-ETH spNFT into Nitro Pool

Camelot allows users to lock their spNFTs into a Nitro Pool. The SILO-ETH Nitro Pool grants depositors additional rewards on top of the standard spNFT base pool.

  1. Go to the SILO-ETH Nitro Pool

Go to the SILO-ETH Nitro Pool.

  1. Deposit your SILO-ETH spNFT into the Nitro Pool

Since you have already created an spNFT position, your SILO-ETH spNFT will be shown under ‘Compatible Positions’ at the bottom of the page.

Click the ‘Deposit’ button.

Congratulations, you are now earning boosted rewards!

Last updated