Providing Liquidity on Aura/Balancer

This is a walkthrough on how to provide liquidity for SILO:ETH via Balancer whilst earning boosted rewards from our Aura Gauge.

Obtaining SILO:ETH BPT

1. Navigate to the SILO:ETH Pool on Balancer

Alternatively, navigate via Balancer Front Page -> Invest -> Filter by ‘SILO’

2. Deposit $SILO and $ETH to redeem SILO:ETH Balancer Pool Tokens (BPT)

Enter the amount of $SILO and $ETH you would like to deposit.

It is recommended to deposit 50% $SILO and 50% $ETH ($USD value) to minimize slippage on your deposit.

You will then need to ‘Confirm Approval’ and ‘Confirm Investment’ by signing 2 different transactions (will cost gas)

Returning to the SILO:ETH pool’s home page on Balancer, you will now see the value of your SILO:ETH deposit as “Unstaked LP Tokens”

Staking SILO:ETH BPT on Aura

Whilst you can stake SILO:ETH BPT on Balancer for rewards, the SiloDAO will be bribing the SILO:ETH gauge on Aura to boost LP rewards that stake BPT via their platform. The remainder of the walkthrough will show you how to stake your BPT on Aura.

Note that this walkthrough assumes you have already obtained SILO:ETH BPT via the section above. Alternatively, you can deposit $SILO or $ETH directly and earn boosted LP rewards.

1. Navigate to the SILO:ETH Pool on Aura

Go to Aura Finance’s home page and search for “SILO”.

After connecting your wallet, press “approve” (this transaction will cost gas).

2. Deposit your SILO:ETH BPT

Enter the amount of SILO:ETH BPT you would like to deposit.

Click deposit and stake.

Congratulations, you have now provided liquidity for SILO:ETH on Aura and will begin receiving boosted rewards!

Last updated